Thursday, February 7, 2013

No More Holding Back?

I'm back bitches.  Of course, that statement hardly holds any weight.  If you don't believe me, read my first post, and then check the dates of my last few posted articles.  Yeah, fail.

Anyway, here I am again, writing, so I suppose that is some measure of success, no matter how small.  Several wasted years is nothing in the grand scheme of things, right?  Well, unless I get hit by a bus or something tomorrow, in which case I'm fucked, and I totally lose.

First of all, know that this isn't really an article in and of itself.  This is simply some musings of mine on the state of my writing, and where I'd like it to go in the future.  If you were excited about some actual content, you can just move on to my next post.  Otherwise, enjoy what is both a peek into the inner workings of my mind at this moment in time, and what also might be considered a bit of a disclaimer of things to come.

I'm pretty sure I've been censoring myself through the course of this blog.  Subtly, perhaps, but it's been there.  I've been loathe to utilize the swears in certain places, and I may have held back on saying some messed up shit, as I'm wont to do in everyday life.  The reason for this, heretofore, has been to shelter some of the people I know.  I know there are people in my life who read this blog that won't appreciate some of my material.  Some of these people likely are reading this simply due to the fact that they know me, and not necessarily because they're interested in the content so much, but they are still experiencing it anyway.

I don't think I'm going to hold back on my content anymore though.  There is a strong possibility that these people I've mentioned will stop reading my blog.  There's even a strong possibility that my unfiltered opinions, and the delivery of those opinions, will compromise my friendships with these people.  And not to sound particualarly callous or unfeeling, but fuck 'em.

Not that I don't care about these people (my wife is among them, but she doesn't read my blog anyway unless I force her, so this is really a non-issue.)  Obviously I care about these people a great deal, as up to this point, I've really done my best to reign in some of my basal urges in an effort to "protect" them in some way.  But I'm coming to the conclusion that this holding back is, well, holding me back.

My writing is, in a very real sense, an extention of myself.  It's the manifestation of my inner most thought, feelings, imaginings, fantasies, emotions, and what I consider truths.  And really, anything I do to temper those things hurts me as a person, and hurts my writing.  If I want my writing to reach it's highest potential, I've really got to open the throttle and go full bore.

Ironically, while thinking about this idea, I was looking at (amazing, check it out). I hit the Random button and came across this comic:  (Don't worry, it was the third time I clicked it, so it wasn't like it was some divine message from the universe.)  Anyway, this genius comic pretty eloquently sums up my position on things.  This is my dream, and I really need to fucking go for it.

So, if you feel the need to unsubscribe to this blog, do it.  I won't be offended.  Trust me, I'll understand completely.  Because I'm going to start saying "fuck" a lot.  I'm going to talk about how if you don't brush the snow off your car completely, you're a selfish asshole.  I'll mention that homosexuality is okay, that hookers should be able to get paid for sex, and that God, if he exists, isn't as powerful or as awesome as you think he is.

Join me or don't.  Either way, it's on.


  1. I recently found some of my old trolly-troll writing online, and my first thought was "Oh fuck I hope no one ever sees this shit because it is too fucking awesome for their fragile little minds." Then i realized it was all kind of shitty anyway, but it was fun to see how much I used to let loose.

  2. You guys have on-line Diaries. :)

  3. Sometimes I think you are full of shit and sometimes not. But I like your shit either way. Consider your blog read.
