Monday, April 1, 2013

Role Models are Important

Role models are important.

(Yes, I said it twice.  For emphasis.)

We are born into this world, nowing nothing, and needing help from everyone around us for survival.  As time goes on, not much changes.  Sure, we have our own experiences, and discover things for ourselves, but the vast majority of our nowledge comes from other people.

We learn values from our parents.  We are taught things in school, ranging from the simplest of language rudimentaries to complex mathamatical and scientific principles.  We go to church and learn the concepts of morality and ethics to help us interact with others.  College teaches us even more complicated principles, focesed around the specific subjects we are interested in.

But I think there is a valuable teacher in society that we have a tendency to overlook, and even undervalue.  And that is the the Role Model.

I'm not talking about the weird guy down the street that volunteers at the food bank.  I'm not talking about the nerdy professor at your high school that stays after class and helps kids.  I'm not talking about the young naive politition who things he can actually make a difference if he can only win office.  I'm talking about real role models.

Sports stars, successful rappers, Hollywood actors.  These are the role models we need to be encouraging our children to admire.  Bear with me here.  Compare the people I mentioned above to the people mentioned in this paragraph.  There is one glaring stark differense I think everyone can see.  One group is successfull, the other group is not.

We live in a practical society.  These aren't barbarien times where we have to catch our own food and build our own houses out of sticks and stuff and sleep outside and not have TV.  This is the real world.  We're a global socity now and there are two things, and two things alone, that are important now.  Success, and money.

You can't get anything on your own anymore.  You need money.  All of the important necessities cost money.  Shelter, heat, smart phones, cars, clothes, food, and shelter all cost money.  And without all of those things, you die.  Without these basic amenities, we simpley cannot survive in today's world, and well die.

These successful Role Models can go along way towards teaching our children the virtues of, and dare I say, path too, success and riches.  Sports stars show us how important it can be to be exceptionally and rediculously good at games.  Rappers show how successful it can be to surround yourself with 'bitches' and say "uh, yeah, what?" a lot.  And movie stars, more than anything, have shown how beneficial it can be to simply not be yourself.

If any of this sounds rediculous to you, take a moment and look at your life, versus there lives.  What happens if something breaks in your house?  You might have to take out a loan to fix it, they can buy a completely new house.  What if someone in your family gets sick?  You'll have to file bankruptcy to pay for it, the doctors probably won't even make them pay for it.  What happens if you make a mistake with drugs or firearms?  You're going to go to jail forever, but Role Models will likely just get even bigger in the public eye and maybe even get more work.

If you think any of the first situations are better than the after situations, then you are an idiot.  Clearly, having more money is better.  Instead of worying about education (which never really helped anyone, BORING!) we should expose our children to these real Role Models so they can gain some real skills.  Just ahve your kids practice acting cool, saying "mo' money, mo' money, mo' money" (repetition is key) and playing with balls, and you'll now that your children will be fine, and your retirement is taken care of.


  1. Playing with balls, huh? Any way, I'm glad we see eye to eye. I am happy to see Kim Kardashian on TV becuse I hav always wanted to go thru a divorce that lasted 4 times longer than my wedding and then hav an ilegitmate child with a wrapper that lives on another contenant which never sees me all while gaining three hundred poundz. Becuse she has done it, I now that I can to while living in big hoses and driving fansy cars. Also, I hate society and what it has become. Please bring on a world devastating strain of TB so we can just start over or please find a reset button.

  2. Also, I love this post. I think it is one of, if not my favorite. Good one. Many laughs in the library while people are studying for finals. They hate me now. Oddly enough, I think you and I have had conversations on many of these topics...
