Sunday, March 7, 2010

And so it begins...

Well, here goes my experiment. An experiment many times tried, and many times failed. And what makes one believe this time will be any different? Nothing really. Perhaps the public nature of this blog will keep me writing in it simply to avoid the embarrassment of my failure, but if the past is any indication, embarrassment is simply not enough motivation for me to keep going. Oh well.

Many of you who know me will be wondering, "You finally started a blog! What took you so long?" Still others will be saying, "Are you kidding me? Why the hell are you starting a blog?" Interestingly enough, the answer to both is the same: I don't know.

Perhaps it's due to the dreaded three-O coming up, and my feeling that I haven't accomplished as much in my life as I'd liked to have by this time. Although as my mother so eloquently put, what exactly is it that I'm supposed to have done? Perhaps nothing. Perhaps much more. I suppose that's a subjective question, one to which I do not have an answer, but one I hope to find, if in fact I can continue forward with this little project of mine.

So, what do I hope to accomplish with this? Too many things that any reasonable human being (which I am not) should hope to accomplish within any one act. I think my main goal is to write....again. I can't very well go around calling myself a writer if I don't write anything, now can I? Well, I can, but I don't think that I have the energy or desire to keep up such fraudulent airs.

But what the hell is with that title? I know, I know. I think I put it there due to my tendencies to bring up eccentric hypothetical situations and to make assumptions about things that I cannot prove (despite my belief that no one can prove them, but that's a whole 'nother piece my friends.) As verbose as I am, it seems only inevitable that something of that kind will crop up from time to time, if not often.

Well, there's my first piece. Long on abundance, short on substance. It happens. Maybe I'll do better in the future, but if I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath. You know, 'cause you'll probably have to hold it for a long time, and if you don't get oxygen to your brain, you could have permanent damage. Not that I'd know...