Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Don't knock on my door.

I won't answer it. Seriously. Knock all you want, I will not get up and open the door.

Will I let you freeze to death on my doorstep if you call out my name and tell me who it is? Probably not. But I will be annoyed that you tried to freeze to death on my doorstep.

This is not to say that I'm an unsociable or unfriendly person, although that argument has been made with varying degrees of success. If a friend called me up because their car broke down, I'd be more than happy to drive out to where they were and pick them up.

But really, don't come and bother me when I'm at home. Some people enjoy the pop-in. There are those who are excited and happy to see that friends and loved ones have taken the time to swing by and say "Hi." I am not one of those people.

I consider it rude. Showing up at someone's house is presumptuous and arrogant. When you pop-in, by definition you are assuming that you are more important than whatever it is your host is doing at the time.

When I am at home, I consider that "me time." I do what I want, when I want, until at which time as I have an engagement to attend to. Whether it's settling down to watch a movie with my wife or enjoying a bubble bath and some sparkling conversation with my rubber ducky (don't judge me), this is my time to relax as I see fit.

Had I wanted to spend my leisure time with you, oh intrepid visitor, you would have been invited. I'm not averse to socializing, nor even entertaining from time to time. I simply do not like being forced to be a host unannounced, and when I'm not prepared.


  1. remember when we talked about this at work? and i agreed with you... and rachel and tracy thought we were weird? man... bitches be trippin. micah
