Monday, March 8, 2010

The Length of Attention Spans

Day Two, bitches! Who thought this would happen? That's right, no one. Least of all me. And yet, here I am. One more bullet wound in the beast known as Failure. Now it's just a matter of keeping my finger on the trigger, in a manner of speaking.

Let me quickly tip my hat to my good friend Mr. Jordan Fackrell for the inspiration for this piece. It was a subject that would have to be addressed eventually, and perhaps I would have gotten to it on my own. However, it was his comment on my first entry that prompted me to broach the subject, and I believe in credit where credit is due. His comment was, and I quote, "hmmm. too many words. but i'm sure it was good!"

*sigh* Let's just try to ignore Jordan's grotesque lack of capitalization and disregard for proper punctuation this time.

I'm well aware that I have a tendency to be a bit...wordy. I am, after all, here when all these words are being typed on the screen.
The phrase "short and sweet" hasn't really ever been attributed to me, at least to the best of my recollection. (I don't actually get either of those words on their own, all that often.) In thinking about this "problem" I have come to the following conclusion: too bad.

Keep in mind, I don't mean this in a negative manner. This is just the same thing you'd say to a person who simply wants to lift off the ground and fly through the air. Gravity exists buddy. Too bad. The thing is, verbosity is in my nature, and so far nothing has really compelled me to fight that.

My point is, I love the English language. I think it's beautiful, and complex, and interesting. I love how it looks, how it sounds. I'm endlessly fascinated that we are able to use these symbols and sounds to communicate our thoughts and our feelings to one another. I think it is a wonderful and magical thing that far too many people take for granted, and that most people don't have enough respect for. (r u goin 2 da mall? *retch*)

I may be eliminating a lot of potential reader base (supposing I ever have reader base) by continuing my lengthy articles. But the fact of the matter is, this is what I love. I've always considered myself somewhat of a Renaissance Man, insomuch as I like to delve into lots of different things. I've always been interested in many different things, mostly because nothing has really been able to keep my attention and interest.

Except writing. Ironic, considering I started this little blog because I wasn't writing. But just because I wasn't doing it doesn't mean I wasn't always thinking about it. Writing is the closest thing I've ever had to a passion in life, and I think I'm still only just beginning to understand what that means. I figure if I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do it right, I might as well stay true to myself. And that means writing a lot. Like, a whole lot. WAY more than is necessary.

That being said, I still hope that you, my readers, can garner some level of entertainment from this. Or dare I say insight and thought provocation, though those will likely come in a future effort, if at all. I've heard that some writers say you must write for yourself, and I agree on some levels. But after all, if you don't spend a little effort in appeasing your readers, why do it at all? This language we have was designed to reach out and communicate with others, not to sit around and chat with ourselves. Anyway, if you decide to stick with me, which I know can be a chore at times, I hope to bring you something, in a small way, magical. We'll see. =)

Random Thought: "Pepperation" is not clever, Chili's. Knock it off.

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